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What to Consider in Choosing the Best Gaming Mouse When playing PC games, most gamers prefer using gaming mice that are built specifically for them. Unlike a traditional PC mouse, a gaming mouse allows greater accuracy and features a functional design that lets gamers use it for extended periods of time. Choosing the best gaming mouse can be challenging because it is available in many shapes, sizes, prices and qualities. Here are some of the things you have to consider when you are choosing the best gaming mouse for your needs. Kinds of Grip
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Figure out how you hold your mouse. People typically use three kinds of grips. Check the two main buttons of the mouse. If they do not seem distinctive and the mouse looks to be quite large, chances are, it is a palm-grip mouse. If they are clearly visible and the mouse appears to be quite small, it is most likely intended for fingertip and claw-grip players.
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Palm Grip – This is the most typical kind of grip, where the entire hand lays flat on the mouse and the thumb and the pinky finger are on the sides. This grip involves the least amount of stress on the hands and will allow gamers to play longer without too much strain. Claw Grip – This is similar to the palm grip, but characterized by arched fingers forming the shape of a claw. This type allows for quicker response, but puts more stress on the hand. Fingertip Grip – With this grip, only the fingertips of the gamer rests on the mouse and the palm does not make contact with the surface of the mouse. This is the ideal gamer’s grip because it allows for rapid input and motion when playing; however, this put the most strain on the arm. Kinds of Games You Typically Play Think about the kind of games you play. Most mice cater to first person shooter (FPS) games, but there are also mice that have more buttons and macros specifically for RTS games and MMO’s. Wired versus Wireless A wireless mouse offers a lot of flexibility and allows for a wider range of motion. Players who prefer to hook their laptop to their TV will appreciate the fact that they can still use their mouse from across the room. On the other hand, a wired mouse allows for a more secure connection. There is a lesser risk of transmission lag. For PC games that require quick responses, such as FPS games, this is a vital concern.

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