Why Install Home Security Systems

Your family is the most important thing in the world. Today you can never be safe enough when it comes to protecting the people you love and your home and all of your investments. Due to the increase of people who are deciding to install home security systems, people who may actually pose a threat are beginning to refrain from breaking in to people’s homes.

By installing a home security system you can reap many benefits beyond simply protecting your material assets. First of all, a home security system will greatly increase your peace of mind when you are on vacation or away from the home. There is no need for you to stress about whether or not your home is vulnerable to potential robbers when you are meant to be relaxing on vacation. That ease of mind alone is worth all the money in the world. Also, when you … Read the rest

UPS to Offer Unlimited Commercial Drone Delivery

Commercial drone delivery officially kicked off in the US recently when the Federal Aviation Administration approved UPS’s unlimited flying freight initiative.

Flying freight has for long been the dream of United States’ courier services like UPS and big box retailers like Amazon who will stop at nothing to reach customers.

These companies have been calling in drone experts and working with them to engineer drones powerful enough to deliver packages to customers. Most companies eyeing flying freight have been doing field trials and experimenting with short deliveries to see the capability of their innovations and strategies.

And after all efforts to come up with the effective commercial delivery drones, the FAA has finally allowed the UPS to offer unlimited drone delivery. UPS went public with inspiring news of FAA’s official approval of its full commercial drone airline which will now enable it to grow its present small flying freight service … Read the rest

The Next Generation of Personal Computers

There are all kinds of interesting ideas out there about how the computer interface in the future will look. Lasers currently used in various uses from cutting diamonds to improve eye sight have been around for years and are the basis for many films such as Star Wars. I believe for the immediate future, lasers will play a bigger and bigger role in how we interact with our computers. One trend that has become a reality is the projection of computer light onto or from a surface that allows users to manipulate data and send commands basically by blocking the beam with his hands.

The richest version of this vision has been seen in futuristic films like Matrix. This system gives us a vision of a very abstract and iconographic interface of light that requires extensive body movements to operate. They seem to be far in the future, but they … Read the rest