Curbing corruption through digital means is a big step. Issuing challans via the digital way is also a step in that process. Especially, the issuing of challans for those who don’t take traffic rules seriously. Motorists who violate the traffic rules need to be reprimanded. They need to be given strict punishment, yet it should also be ensured the penalty issued is not filling up the coffers of those who aren’t entitled to take the money.

As the case being with issuance of challans, more transparency is a need of the hour.E challan is a perfect tool to ensure that. Just like a normal challan, an E challan can be issuedto motorists who commit offences like jumping a red light, driving helmet less, ignoring signs and driving sans any license.

But what if there is shortage of cash and payment then and there is not possible. Well, in that … Read the rest