VOIP Internet Telephone – What is it and Should You Get in on It?

Have you wondered about VoIP telephone technology or does it just sound like something out of this world to you? Weird even? Well, you’re not alone. This has been a learning experience for me. I’ve had to do research and more research to finally understand this enough to write this small article about it.

So here it goes: VoIP is just an acronym for voice over world wide web protocol. Or, in other words, it’s a method of sending spoken words using a computer and the internet instead of a regular land line or cell phone.

I think that pretty well explains it in layman’s terms. If you want more in depth information than that you’ll have to do your own research!

Now that we have our definition out of the way, the question is should you get in on it? Of course we all know the answer is based … Read the rest

VoIP in Business – Choices to Cut Expenses

Business is typically exactly where the benefits of new technologies become apparent. Home users may not be capable to feel a very big impact as a consequence of a certain technology. But in business, the price-cutting measures which are put in place are quantified concerning how helpful it can be. 1 instance of these breakthrough technologies is online. It allows folks to work together even if they are not with each other in the very same geographic areas. Files and projects are passed around immediately and effortlessly.

 An extremely important system that has been in use for an incredibly long time in businesses may be the PBX (Public Branch Exchange) telephone system. This is beyond doubt a really expensive system to place up and maintain especially because of the high price of PBX systems and the need to set-up multiple PBX switches in different places.

This is exactly where online … Read the rest