HeliographIt was a lieutenant and a few privates of the eighth Hus- sars, with a stand like a theodolite, which the artilleryman advised me was a heliograph.

The military also decided that the signalling mirror (the one which moves throughout keying) must always face the solar, and so if the solar was behind you the Heliograph was to be set as much as face away from distant station. The outgoing signal was to be redirected back in direction of the target by the second (duplex) mirror. This rule simplified studying the method for adjustment, then the trim for sun passage was always accomplished with the identical adjustment screws, etc. on the main signalling mirror.

For instance, on three May 1901, the Manchester Regiment’s line events suffered casualties. The telegraph wire between Witklip and Badfontein, having been cut through the earlier night time, events were sent out from every end however … Read the rest