SeismographThis is half 5 of a 6 part fingers-on unit examine on Earth Science. Create a tsunami, construct marshmallow structures that can face up to an earthquake, act out seismic waves, build and use a seismograph, and extra! My lessons are geared toward 2nd-3rd grade stage youngsters and their siblings. These are classes I created to do with a weekly homeschool co-op. We meet each week for two 1/2 hours and have 14 kids between the ages of 0-12. Use these enjoyable lessons together with your classroom, household, camp, after school program, or co-op!

Professor Carr holds a B.A. with excessive honors from Cornell College in classics and archaeology, and her M.A. and PhD. from the College of Michigan in Classical Art and Archaeology. She has excavated in Scotland, Cyprus, Greece, Israel, and Tunisia, and she or he has been educating history to university college students for a very long … Read the rest