Email has become a venue for advertising your products and because of this people are looking for the right kind of email marketing tools and a good marketing agency, like Bravr for example, to implement the tools and an email marketing plan. There are many out there, but some of them are easier to use and understand than others. Some will also be so complex, and do more things than you really need. Please be aware that the more features do not always mean a better program.

First of all, you are going to need some sort of list tool. Something that will keep track of the lists you build and mail out too. This does not have to be super fancy, but you might want it to be able to keep track of more than one list depending on your campaigns. You will also need a bulk mailing. Not … Read the rest

With the rapid development of communication technology and many data communications network infrastructure built in most countries causing interpersonal communication, both with voice and video make it seem as if there is no distance even though communication between cities or countries. This communications technology uses standardized TCP / IP-based data networks around the world, so data communication networks around the world are connected and interconnected between locations, either wirelessly or terrestrially (cable).

One of the most prominent and growing technologies for voice communications is VoIP (Voice Over IP) technology, which is voice communication using a path from a TCP / IP based network infrastructure. The sound is converted into a digital signal and then streamed through the TCP / IP based network infrastructure and will be converted again into the usual voice signal at the other end, so that voice communication can be done as usual.

VoIP technology is now … Read the rest