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2 Types Of MIDI Keyboard Whenever MIDI keyboards are brought up in a conversation, every musician knows that this is about varieties of digital or electric keyboards. Unlike before where just special keyboards are able to do MIDI, today almost every modern electric keyboards are compatible in MIDI. You can’t just miss them out because they’re the ones with MIDI In and Out slots in the back. The truth is, there are 2 basic types of electronic keyboards and these include the piano and controller types, whether you believe it or not. Number 1. Controller types – for this type of keyboard, it is what many people would associate as MIDI keyboard. While these have keys, you won’t be hearing any sound even when you press them. You should have a computer running DAW or Digital Audio Workstation software in an effort to convert MIDI impulses to sounds.
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And because of the fact that they don’t have any speakers, these controllers are typically cheaper and smaller compared to their regular piano counterparts. This basically makes them more portable and versatile and at the same time, fit in almost any kind of space that you could think of.
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Number 2. Piano or personal keyboard type – as for this type of keyboard, this have a built-in sound system. To put it simply, sound immediately comes out when you start pressing the keys not like a controller keyboard. You don’t have to connect them to a computer to hear anything. The benefit of using this system is that, you are able to set it up almost anywhere and do not have to worry on having a computer and software required. What seems to be the drawback here is, it is usually big and it is because of the built-in internal sound system. Therefore, you may have a hard time in setting it up especially if you have a small space. MIDI keyboards come in wide range of number keys too like 25, 37, 49, 61, 76 and 88. The higher the numbers are typically piano type keyboards while the lower ones tend to be controllers. If you are not playing the piano, then smaller number of keys will not pose any issues. On the other hand, you may want to consider getting the 88 or at the least, the 76 so by that you will get wider option to play if you like to get that piano feel. Speaking of getting that piano feel, the action of keys will also help in determining that. As for the full weighted keys, these are offering resistance as well as spring back of pianos. Synth action doesn’t have resistance or whatsoever while the keys quickly springs back. So which keyboard you prefer to use, it’s all in your discretion.

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