Do You Need a Professional Computer Repair Tech?

Computer Repair – Choosing a Computer Repair Shop While on Vacation

Orlando Florida (Central Florida) is the “Lightning Capital” of the United States. From May to October storms impact the Central Florida area daily. As a result, computers will be damaged during a lightning storm from sudden power outages, fuse burnouts, or power surges. The most common damage is a blown energy or fried motherboard. Depending on the form of computer you use, this can run from $100-$500 in damage. Here are a few tips on ways to protect your computers from being damaged by the lightning strike:

– The first impulse of several is always to look on advertising sites like Craigslist and other similar sites

– They will find barrels of advertisements from both individuals and corporations, all claiming to be able to perform repairs fast and cheap

– The key word this is “cheap”

– We’ve all … Read the rest

Security on Your ComputerSafeguard Your Computer Network System Against Fragmentation

More and more computer networks use wireless ways to move data derived from one of system to a different, however many networks still use some kind of cabling (Copper or Fiber Optic) in order to connect systems. The way that cable and hardware, or wireless signals connect with one other to create a network is called the Network Topology. Historical network topologies include Bus, Ring, and Star, while modern topologies include Hybrid, Mesh, Point-to-Multipoint, and Point-to-Point.

– • Mark Moroses, Senior Director, Technical Services and Security Officer at Maimonides Medical Center in New York terms an official inventory of computers/workstations and servers, instrumental in identifying root cause with the problem

– Two of easy and simple and many popular softwares to assist you with this task are Bindview’s NETinventory and Tally Systems’ TS Census

System Security Virus – The Latest Cyber Threat

Network and pcs administrators … Read the rest