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LandsatLandsat is an ongoing sequence of satellites that conduct Earth observations. The satellites have been used to trace urban sprawl, monitor the consequences of local weather change, and see how deforestation affects the encompassing landscape. The program has run repeatedly since 1972, so scientists have four a long time of knowledge in hand to trace adjustments in land use over time.

The Landsat 7 system will comprise a spacecraft carrying an Enhanced Thematic Mapper Plus (ETM+) instrument and a ground section consisting of mission operations, information seize, ground processing, information archiving, and information product distribution elements. The ETM+ is a nadir-pointing, eight spectral band instrument designed to provide knowledge continuity with the Thematic Mapper devices on Landsats four and 5.

Photos: High: The picture on the fitting reveals the same scenes produced in 1988 of the Mexico Guatemala border. The band mixture is 5-4-3, which reveals bare ground in pink, younger regrowth and farms in pale green, and bushes in darker green. On the left, the picture exhibits the same area in 2011. Whereas the border remains to be seen, logging and agriculture have taken down a lot of the bushes outside, and sometimes inside, the Maya Biological Reserve (NASA’s Earth Observatory). Proper: The original 1988 picture of the border produced by Tom Sever and proven to the leaders of Mexico and Guatemala (NASA).

The payloads of the primary two satellites included a sequence of three video cameras that took photos in the seen and infrared bands. The decision was 80m for 185 x 185km pictures. The resolution of the pictures acquired by Landsat 3 was raised to 40m, however the cameras took images in a single panchromatic spectral band (zero.5-0.75µm) only.

Landsat 5 adalah satelit kelima dari program Landsat. Satelit ini diluncurkan pada tanggal 1 Maret 1984 dengan tujuan utama menyediakan arsip global foto satelit. Program Landsat dikelola oleh USGS dan information dari Landsat 5 dikumpulkan serta didistribusikan dariUSGS’s Heart untuk Earth Resources Observation and Science. Pada tanggal 2 Maret 2009, Landsat 5 merayakan 25 tahun keberhasilannya beroperasi. Landsat 5 telah melampaui harapan sejak pertama kali dirancang.

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